Family is like fudge.....sweet with a few nuts

Family is like fudge.....sweet with a few nuts
December 2008

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Out of Surgery

So I just spoke with Ben, and my mom has just gotten out of surgery. The doctor was pleased with the way everything went and said that he didn't find any 'surprises' once he got in there. It was a golf-ball size tumor and he said that as far as he can tell right now, it didn't spread. They will be doing more extensive testing on the tumor.

This is such great news. Thank you to all of you who kept her in your prayers. I know that there are some cancers that are not as bad as others and some that have an outstanding recovery rate. From what I have been told and have read, this is one of the more mild cancers. However, sometimes just hearing the words cancer, tumor, bleeding mass, etc. is enough to send you into a spinning world of worst case senarios, which is exactly what happened to at least me and I am sure others. After the initial shock of the news you kind of sit back and realize that there is nothing that you can do to change it or make it better, you just have to ride it out and keep the prayers going and have enough faith to know that God has a plan and you can't mess with it, so don't try.

So, again thanks to all for keeping those prayers going and please don't let them stop now as we are not completely out of the woods.

Love to all
Darci and Fam


Wendy said...

I am so glad things went well. Mom talked to her last night and she, as you already know, was a bit nervous. But, like you say - all you can do is pray! She has been in our prays/thoughts obviously and we love her SOOOO much and we know - whatever the outcome, she will be "ok". Thanks for the update. I am sure you are going "nuts" not being there. Hang in there!! (((hugs)))