Family is like fudge.....sweet with a few nuts

Family is like fudge.....sweet with a few nuts
December 2008

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sports- Sports- Sports

Well, we find ourselves overtaken by sports once again. As I said before, Diego is on the high school football team, and luckily he is to the age that we don't have to be there for every practice/game. They have to ride the buses to and from the game anyway, so that is nice, and practice is right after school. We were able to have a small break in the later part of July and most of August.
Miguel is playing tackle football again with Diego as his coach, he is the QB and also does something else on defense ( you would think for as long as I have been dealing with boys I would know the positions :), he practices Mon-Wed-Fri and has games on Tuesday nights. He also plays on the super-league baseball team again, Pirates this time, and has practice for that on Tue- Thur with double headers on Saturdays. The fall season his team is playing the first half which will only be three weeks. They won both of their games this past Saturday.
Antonio is just doing the super-league baseball, Dawgs, but his team is doing all six weeks of double headers. He has practice on Mondays and Thursdays. Because this team has played in the 8 and under division for two years, they are playing in the 10 and under division this season, so unfortunately they lost both of thier games last Saturday.
So as you can imagine, evenings are pretty hairy at our house, especially because somewhere in between ALL of this we have to get homework done. Maybe someday we will figure out how to make it all happen without the screaming and yelling.

Love to all
Familia Pena


Salcedo Family said... this is the link to my blog

Alida B. said...

Wow! I'm glad to hear the boys have so much fun in sports! I feel you...although we got a rest this week starts dance and acro for the girls (we live at the studio 3 out 5 days) top on that karate, cello lessons, piano lessons, and Brinton just decided he would also like to do we are pretty booked to! LOL!